Thursday, April 11, 2013

20 Before Twenty

I only have a year and eleven days to complete this list!
  1. Get better about posting photos on the blog and not forgetting to take them!
  2. Lose 60 pounds before I turn 20.
  3. Participate in a flash mob.
  4. Find a job.
  5. Look for and be able to buy a car.
  6. Fly in a plane.
  7. Get a passport and go out of the country.
  8. Use up an entire roll of film. And actually develop it.
  9. Write a novel.
  10. Try to get said novel published.
  11. Visit Florida.
  12. Take a dance class with Bill.
  13. Buy myself or receive something nice from Tiffany's.
  14. Live in the present more.
  15. Drink more water.
  16. Visit family more often.
  17. Write more hand-written letters to people/get more penpals.
  18. Go ice skating.
  19. Wear less black. (Seriously, most of my wardrobe is black.)
  20. Have a picnic and adventure day with Bill.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

{Little Letters}

Dear Heath coffee creamer: Oh. My. Lanta. You are so delicious! I wasn't really expecting you to make my coffee taste like liquid Heath bar. Om nom nom.
Dear firepit: You are the perfect addition to our little yard! So warm and toasty, and perfect for toasting marshmallows, or roasting hot dogs!
Dear Disqus: Thank you so, so, so much for making my commenting system so much nicer! Now I don't have to worry about it no longer working, and if something does break, I know there's a team behind it ready and waiting to fix my problems!
Dear warm weather: Ahhh, it's so nice to not be freezing all the time! I just hope I don't melt when it gets REALLY hot out.
Dear boom of traffic to my blog: Hi new readers! I'm not sure we're you're coming from, but I welcome you nonetheless!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Introducing {Disqus}

Even since launching this blog, I've had various people contact me to say "Comments aren't working." It's discouraging to hear that, because I love reading what y'all have to say! 

Well, no more! Today, I've updated the comments system to Disqus, with the hopes that the problems will cease. All of the old comments will be imported to the new server within the next 24 hours. 

So, please excuse the potential bugs that will be working themselves out between now and this time tomorrow!


Monday, April 8, 2013


Last week, I applied to college. It felt strange to do so... Like it wasn't something I should be doing. And it wasn't for what I thought I would be applying for, either.

For the past five or so years, I've loved history. For those of you who know me, don't take that as I don't love history anymore—I still do love it. But maybe that isn't what I should go to school for. I don't really want to be a teacher, a professor (which is basically the same thing), a park ranger, or a tour guide. Okay, so that last one, maybe I wouldn't mind doing that. That isn't the point, though.

As much as I love history, and love to learn about it, it's not what I 100% want to go to school for. I applied for Communications because that is a degree that involves social media, as well as could allow me to become a writer. 

I'm not the best writer, but I love to write this blog, and would love to write a book some day soon. Or even work for a company's social media department. The internet has shaped and changed my life in so many ways—I've grown up on the internet, established long lasting relationships via the internet (and have even met some of those people in person), and learned so much via the internet. 

Communications just seems like the right choice for me.